Kara Steeplechase
Washington, IL 61571
Built between 1998 and 2006
$290K to $600K with some exceptions on both ends. 2500 to 4100 sf,
To see the average sold price for the month, click here.
To see the number of new listings for the month, click here.
To see the number of homes for sale, click here.
To see the number of pending sales, click here.
To see the number of closed sales, click here.
To see the average days on market for the month, click here.
To see the months supply of homes for sale, click here.
To see the percentage, on average, of listing price to selling price ratio, click here.
To see the average price per square foot (above grade) click here.
To see the total dollar volume, representing the total dollars closed/sold in the neighborhood for the month, click here.
To see the number of showings, on average, it took to go from active to pending status, click here.
To see the number of showings, per listing in the neighborhood, click here.
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Electric/Gas |
Ameren CILCO |
888-672-5252 |
City of Washington |
115 W. Jefferson |
309-444-3196 |
Washington Post Office |
106 S. High Street |
309-444-4044 |
Washington District Library |
301 Walnut St. |